7 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Important for Your Business

7 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Important for Your Business

According to a recent survey, 63% of companies have started using video marketing as their first choice in the industry. Of these, 82% of them consider video marketing to be an integral part of their digital marketing efforts.

Video is moving fast and reaching new heights faster than we think. Video marketing statistics suggest that 83% of companies that believe video marketing will give them a good ROI support this trend.

Without a doubt, video marketing is one of the newest additions to your advertising toolkit. Are you still wondering if video marketing is the right way to advertise your brand? Do you really need to take the help of video marketing techniques and resources?

In this blog, we are going to discuss some of the top reasons why video marketing is very important for you.

  1. Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

There is a lot of money to be made from videos. You can see an 80% surge in conversion rates by simply adding a video to your landing page. Video can also lead to direct sales.

Studies show that 74% of the users who watched a video explaining a product or service later bought it. So it’s best to start right away with your exciting product videos.

Most of the information sent to our brain is visual information. People find it more interesting to watch an entire video than read a long paragraph of simple text. So if photos can increase engagement significantly, imagine what video can really do for your business.

Video marketing is so popular in today’s time because it is directly related to the overall conversions and sales of any business. You can watch videos of popular brands like Jio, Amul, and Zomato marketing using video. Video is important part of every brand’s marketing strategy.

  1. Video Deliver a Better ROI 

83% of businesses say video offers a good ROI. Video production may not be the easiest or the cheapest task, but it is highly efficient. In addition, online video editing tools are constantly being improved and made more accessible to all. Even your smartphone can make the right videos.

The other good news is that your videos don’t have to be complete. Content is important! Recent research shows that users are often bored with videos that don’t explicitly describe the product or service. Low quality and bad design won’t matter in the initial days. Good content is all that you need.

  1. Video Helps You Build Trust 

Trust is the basis for conversion and sales. But, building trust is not as easy as it seems to be. When there is a feeling of confidence and trust between a brand and its audience, it leads to better long-term relationships and loyalty.

Stop selling your products directly and let people come to you with interesting and useful information. Video content fascinates us most and arouses our emotions. And talk about the elite in the audience.

More than 53% of all consumers have agreed that videos help them to trust a brand with more conviction. So, if your audience is going to trust you more, it will have a direct impact on your revenue.

  1. Google Loves Videos

Videos enable you to increase the time visitors spend on your website. A long-term presence creates trust and signals to search engines that your website has good content. According to video marketing statistics, if you embed a video on your website, it will appear 53 times more often on Google.

Since Google is now the owner of YouTube, the influence of videos on your search engine rankings has also increased. Make sure your YouTube videos are SEO optimized and have all the keywords. Write interesting titles and descriptions. Include a link about your website, products, and services.

  1. Video Encourages Social Shares 

Videos can lead to more social shares over time. People worldwide are surfing different social media websites, and they are looking for content that excites them. When your brand creates content that clicks with the audience, they are more likely to share it with others.

More than 73% of the audience have agreed that they share content which they found interesting and offers value to them. So, you need to make sure that you’re creating content that resonates with the audience well.

Don’t just create any video and expect to get a huge response from the audience out there. You have to be on the same page as your audience.

  1. Video Explain Your Products 

Your audience will only buy products from your brand when they fully understand how they are useful. Videos are very useful when it comes to explaining different kinds of products to people.

They are fun to watch, easier to understand, and quicker to absorb. When you can help people visualize how a particular product or service is going to help a person, they show more interest in purchasing that.

94% of all marketers have agreed that videos helped them to explain their products in a more helpful and easier manner. This also directly affects your ROI and overall revenue.

  1. Videos Look Professional 

Not every brand out there has mastered the art of making good-quality videos. That is the reason why you should be focusing more on it and reap the benefits of video marketing. Videos look more professional when compared to simple images or text messages.

Videos help to bring a sense of consistency and effort that a brand is putting in for their customers. Video marketing will allow you to impress your customers and make them shop from you.

When all the top brands in your industry are taking the help of video marketing, it is high time that you also start creating video content.

Final Words

Video marketing still has a very long way to go, and we can surely expect it to play a bigger role in the upcoming days. With more companies becoming familiar with video content marketing, this medium of content is going to boom in the near future.

To learn more about video marketing strategies that can help your business, you can also enroll in our 4 months digital marketing course in Jaipur.

Picture of Parmveer Singh Sandhu

Parmveer Singh Sandhu

He is the Founder & Chief Mentor at Quibus Trainings. His story is an inspiration to many millennials. From being a physics teacher to founding two companies was not a piece of cake. Recently, he was awarded ‘Times Power Icon Award of 2022’ from ‘Times of India’ for his quality work in digital marketing training.
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